Category: ICRP News

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Health Canada Makes ICRP Publication 126 Free to Access

In February 2019, Health Canada announced their intention to support the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) initiative to make their publications (Annals of the ICRP) free to access for everyone, with a two-year delay. / En février 2019, Santé Canada annonçait son intention d’appuyer l’initiative de la Commission internationale de protection radiologique (CIPR), qui vise à rendre accessible gratuitement et à tous sa publication (Annales de la CIPR), dans un délai de deux ans.

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Japanese Ambassador’s Award for ICRP Scientific Secretary

On March 12, 2019, Kimihiro Ishikane, ambassador of Japan to Canada, conferred the Ambassador’s Award upon Christopher Clement, scientific secretary of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). / En mars 2019, Kimihiro Ishikane, ambassadeur du Japon au Canada, a remis le prix de l’ambassadeur à Christopher Clement, secrétaire scientifique de la CIPR.


ICRP News / Nouvelles de la CIPR

The International Commission on Radiological Protection, originally the International X-ray and Radium Protection Commission, was founded in Stockholm in 1928, which makes 2018 our 90th anniversary. / 2018 est la 90e année d’existence de la CIPR. Voici comment l’organisation compte souligner cet anniversaire.