CRPA Online and Social Media Commenting Policy

The Canadian Radiation Protection Association (CRPA) welcomes public comments, questions and feedback on our websites and social media pages. All comments are considered to be the personal opinion of the writer.

In order to maintain a respectful online environment, all comments are monitored and may be removed, with or without notification, if they are of the following nature:

  • Not related to the topic at hand
  • Contain unproven or inaccurate factual claims
  • Violate someone’s privacy
  • Are threatening, obscene, profane, abusive, degrade others, or contain hate speech
  • Contain discriminatory comments that refer to race, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political persuasion, body type, physical or mental health and/or access issues
  • Engage in personal attacks or make defamatory statements (such as allegations of criminal activity)
  • Intentionally try to instigate conflict, hostility, or arguments (trolling)
  • Are of a promotional nature (spamming)
  • Link to other sites with content as described above
  • Contain content the moderators identify as inappropriate

Ongoing violations of this policy may result in the user being permanently blocked.