Direction Sud, février 2023
Résumé :
Après avoir retrouvé ses collègues canadiens dans le froid de Vancouver (après quatre longues années), Scott nous donne des nouvelles du sud du Texas. En plus de son habituel bulletin météorologique et de la mise à jour de Sasky, son sac à dos, il fournit un rapport du congrès sur la réglementation de la section de l’État du Texas, qui s’est tenu à Austin, TX, en novembre, et l’atelier 2023 sur la dosimétrie interne hybride, qui s’est tenu à l’Oregon State University à du 6 au 9 février 2023, et un aperçu de la rencontre annuelle de la HPS, qui aura lieu du 23 au 27 juillet 2023 au Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center dans la région de Washington, DC.
Howdy y’all. I’m writing this in early December. Here in South Texas, we’re having some Texas winter weather: 15°C and gloomy. We typically only have this kind of weather for about 30 days per year
Health Physics Society Topical Meeting
The Health Physics Society (HPS) discontinued its traditional mid-year meeting format and replaced it with a topical meeting. The most recent of these meetings was the 2023 Hybrid Internal Dosimetry Workshop, which was held on February 6 to 9, 2023, at Oregon State University.
Health Physics Society Annual Meeting
HPS will be conducting its 68th annual meeting on July 23 to 27, 2023, at Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in the Washington, DC, area. It will most likely be hot and humid there in late July. Details can be found on the meeting website.
State of Texas Chapter Student Meeting
My home HPS chapter, the State of Texas Chapter, conducted their first regulatory conference since 2014 in Austin, TX, in November 2022.
Unlike provinces in Canada, a US state can choose to regulate radioactive materials and X-ray devices as long as their requirements are at least as strict as the US Nuclear Regulatory Agency (the US version of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission). Texas has chosen to do this.
We had over 300 attendees at the regulatory conference, which featured sessions similar to those that you’d see at a Canadian Radiation Protection Association (CRPA) annual meeting . . . ask the regulator (in this case a state regulator).
In late March, we’ll host the annual student meeting, currently scheduled for my hometown of San Antonio. The theme will be current best practices in health physics with a focus on operational aspects. Find out more on our website.
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Voici le pack Sasky de Scott en Norvège. | Sasky Pack au symposium ICRPA 2021+1 à Vancouver. | Sasky Pack s’échauffe à Hawaï. |
Sasky Pack Update
After being confined to the US for over three years, Sasky (the backpack I received when I attended the CRPA annual conference in Saskatoon in 2017) was finally able to do some international travelling — First to Norway, and then reuniting after four long years with Canadian colleagues in chilly Vancouver. It was great to reconnect with y’all (and to get my Timmy’s fix). Sasky recovered from the frigid Vancouver weather by visiting the 50th State (Hawaii) the following week.
Scott Nichelson
Spécialiste certifié en radioprotection et hygiéniste industriel, Scott Nichelson a amorcé sa carrière en santé et en sécurité pour la US Air Force au milieu des années 1980. Il a pris sa retraite après 28 années de service actif et travaille présentement comme instructeur civil pour le Département de la santé et l’école de l’armée américaine à San Antonio, au Texas. Il s’est joint à l’ACRP en 2002.
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