Report on the 4th ICRP Symposium / Rapport portant sur le 4e symposium de la CIPR


Le 4e symposium international portant sur le système de radioprotection a eu lieu à Paris, en France, du 10 au 12 octobre 2017. Plus de 500 participants (incluant plus d’une douzaine de membres de l’ACRP) provenant de 42 pays ont participé à cette activité.

Pour la première fois, le symposium était organisé en conjonction avec la European Radiation Protection Research Week (la Semaine européenne de la recherche en radioprotection), un congrès annuel rassemblant cinq plateformes de recherche européennes en matière de radioprotection.

Organisées en commun avec les cinq plateformes de recherche européenne, les cinq conférences de la CIPR ont mis en lumière les activités actuelles au sein de la CIPR et de ces plateformes, en plus de procurer aux participants de belles occasions d’apprentissage. Pour une présentation détaillée de ces conférences communes, veuillez visiter le site web de la CIPR.

En outre, la Semaine européenne de la recherche en radioprotection (ERPW) a offert 15 conférences concomitantes. Des extraits de ces conférences sont aussi accessibles en ligne.

Les conférences concomitantes du 5e symposium de la CIPR auront lieu à Adelaide, en Australie, du 19 au 23 novembre 2019.

Some CRPA members at the Gala Dinner
Photo courtesy of Stéphane Jean-François

The 4th International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection was held in Paris, France, October 10–12, 2017. For the first time, the Symposium was held in conjunction with the European Radiation Protection Research Week (ERPW), an annual conference that brings together five European research platforms in radiation protection:

  • Multidisciplinary European Low Dose Initiative (MELODI)
  • European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS)
  • European Alliance for Medical Radiation Protection Research (EURAMED)
  • Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery (NERIS), the European platform on preparedness for nuclear and radiological emergency response and recovery
  • European Radioecology Alliance

More than 500 participants from 42 countries participated in this event. The five ICRP sessions, jointly held with the above-mentioned research platforms, highlighted current activities within ICRP and these platforms, and provided participants a great learning opportunity.

ICRP Secretariat at the 4th International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection
Photo courtesy of Christopher Clement

The ICRP-EURADOS joint session focused on the advances in dose coefficients. Over the years, ICRP Committee 2 (Radiation Dosimetry) and EURADOS ( have been working very closely in the development of computational phantoms and in the revision of internal dose coefficients. One highlight is the development of new mesh phantoms, which provides much more detail for tissues/organs that enable increased accuracy and flexibility in dose assessment compared to the previous computational phantom versions.

MELODI ( is working on a host of projects covering various research aspects in low-dose radiation health effects. Many of these projects are closely related to the work of ICRP Committee 1 (Radiation Effects). The joint ICRP-MELODI session offered an overview of the work of both parties and covered studies on dose and dose-rate effects, individual radiosensitivity, and cancer risks from exposure to alpha emitters and from pediatric CT scanning in radiation medicine.

EURAMED is a brand new research platform (website is not yet available) established in Europe to promote research on and best practices for radiation protection in medicine. ICRP Committee 3 (Protection in Medicine) participated in the joint ICRP -EURAMED session, which focused on benefits of and radiation protection in advanced radiotherapy, including multimodal imaging, image-guided radiation therapy, proton therapy, and targeted alpha therapy. Rapid advances in radiation medicine not only offers greater benefits in diagnoses and treatments, but also presents new challenges for radiation protection.

The ICRP-NERIS ( joint session focused on post-accident recovery. Following an overview of the ICRP Committee 4 (Application of the Commission’s Recommendations) mandate and the NERIS post-accident recovery program, colleagues from Japan, France, and Ireland shared lessoned learned from and experience gained in medical and health surveillance, assessment of individual radiation doses during the recovery phase of the Fukushima accident, and examples of national approaches to policy development and plans for preparedness and response.

The joint ICRP session with the European ALLIANCE ( was on the integration of the protection of people and the environment offered and featured plans and perspectives of both ICRP and ALLIANCE, and highlighted approaches taken in Japan and Australia in different exposure situations. With recent ICRP re-structuring, the mandate of the previous Committee 5 (Environment) will be integrated with those of the other four committees.

For detailed presentations of the joint sessions, please visit the ICRP website.

In addition, European Radiological Protection Week (ERPW) ran 15 concurrent sessions. Abstracts are available online.

More than a dozen CRPA members participated in the 4th ICRP Symposium in Paris. Some faces may be very familiar to you! Chris and his crew from the ICRP Secretariat did a fantastic job organizing an excellent symposium!

The 5th ICRP Symposium will be held November 19–23, 2019, in Adelaide, Australia, so plan ahead!

Adelene Gaw

Adelene Gaw works as a dosimetry specialist in the Radiation and Health Sciences Division, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. She was a Canadian participant at ICRP’s Third International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection.

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