Update on European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS)

Participants at the EURADOS Annual Meeting, which took place February 11 to 14, 2019, in Łódź, Poland.
Participants at the EURADOS Annual Meeting, which took place February 11 to 14, 2019, in Łódź, Poland / Participants de l’Assemblée générale annuelle EURADOS, du 11 au 14 février 2019 à Łódź, en Pologne

Participants of Working Group 7 at the 2019 EURADOS Annual Meeting.
Participants of Working Group 7 at the 2019 EURADOS Annual Meeting / Participants du Groupe de travail 7 à l’Assemblée générale annuelle EURADOS


Le European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS) est une association sans but lucratif qui fait la promotion de la recherche et du développement, de même que de la coopération européenne dans le domaine de la dosimétrie de rayonnements ionisants. Composé d’experts, de services de dosimétrie et de laboratoires de recherche et de référence, le réseau EURADOS permet de former des groupes de spécialistes en temps opportun afin d’élucider des problèmes ou de faire la promotion de besoins en recherche déterminés par l’EURADOS ou par des organismes extérieurs.

Cette année, la rencontre annuelle EURADOS 2019, qui a eu lieu du 11 au 14 février à Łódź, en Pologne, a permis aux huit groupes de travail de l’association de tenir des réunions pour travailler sur les produits EURADOS, partager de l’information, collaborer à des projets et identifier les besoins futurs. La rencontre comportait aussi une réunion de collaboration avec l’Association européenne de médecine nucléaire pour discuter de projets d’intérêt mutuel.

Fidèle à ses habitudes, l’EURADOS a organisé une « classe neige », une séance de formation au cours de sa rencontre annuelle. Cette année, le sujet portait sur la dosimétrie, la métrologie et la réglementation du radon.

The European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS) is a non-profit association for promoting research and development and European cooperation in the field of ionizing radiation dosimetry.

The EURADOS network includes experts, reference and research laboratories, and dosimetry services, which allows specialist groups to be formed in a timely manner to solve problems or promote research needs identified within EURADOS or by external bodies.

There are eight active EURADOS working groups that focus on areas of interest in the field of ionizing radiation dosimetry:

  • WG2 – Harmonisation of individual monitoring
  • WG3 – Environmental dosimetry
  • WG6 – Computational dosimetry
  • WG7 – Internal dosimetry
  • WG9 – Radiation dosimetry in radiotherapy
  • WG10 – Retrospective dosimetry
  • WG11 – High energy radiation fields
  • WG12 – Dosimetry in medical imaging

The activities of EURADOS working groups result in new guidance documents, research publications, symposia/workshops, intercomparisons, and training courses. Since 2001, EURADOS Annual Meetings have been a key element in the agenda of the European community working in the field of ionizing radiation dosimetry.

For many years, Health Canada has been active in EURADOS by participating in discussions at annual meetings, giving presentations, and collaborating on work with other EURADOS members. In Canada, there are currently three members of EURADOS:

  • Chunsheng Li, Health Canada (on assignment with the International Commission on Radiological Protection) (WG7)
  • Marilyn Tremblay, Health Canada (WG7)
  • Kevin Capello, Health Canada (WG6)

Health Canada benefits from participation in EURADOS by keeping apprised of the latest research, international work, and opportunities to collaborate in the field of ionizing radiation dosimetry. Health Canada looks forward to continued involvement with EURADOS.

EURADOS Annual Meeting 2019

This year, the EURADOS Annual Meeting took place February 11 to 14, 2019, in Łódź, Poland. Over 300 attendees participated in the meetings of the eight working groups of EURADOS.

EURADOS working group meetings

EURADOS working group meetings included updates on international activities and developments in the field of ionizing radiation dosimetry. These meetings were also an opportunity to work on EURADOS projects, share information, collaborate on projects, and identify future needs in the field.

European Association of Nuclear Medicine–EURADOS collaboration

In addition to the meetings of the eight working groups of EURADOS, there was a collaboration meeting between the European Association of Nuclear Medicine and EURADOS, during which nuclear medicine research projects were discussed.

EURADOS winter school

Since 2007, EURADOS annual meetings have included “winter schools” to respond to the need for training on topics of particular importance. This year’s winter school topic was Radon: Dosimetry, Metrology and Regulation. The day of training included presentations on the following specific topics:

  • Radon dosimetry
  • Lung cancer risk
  • Standards and regulations
  • Metrology of radon and radon progeny
  • Measurement campaigns
  • Radon as atmospheric tracer


In general, this year’s EURADOS annual meeting covered many important topics of current interest in the field of ionizing radiation dosimetry. This meeting was a great opportunity for dosimetry professionals to work on EURADOS projects, share information, and collaborate on future work.

More information

To learn more, visit the EURADOS website or contact Adelene Gaw at [email protected].

Adelene Gaw

Adelene Gaw is working in the Radon Technical Operations Section at Health Canada’s Radiation Protection Bureau. Before this, she worked in the Radiation Protection Division at the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.

Adelene Gaw travaille à la Section des opérations techniques du radon, au Bureau de la radioprotection de Santé Canada. Auparavant, elle a travaillé à la Division de la radioprotection, à la Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire.

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