Health Physics Corner, October 2024

Dead Time Questions

Welcome back to the Health Physics (HP) Corner!

In this instalment, we are exploring dead time—the period after the recording of a particle or pulse when a detector is unable to record another.

In this example, you have a 1 inch × 1 inch (2.54 cm x 2.54 cm) cylindrical sodium iodide (NaI) probe connected to a typical handheld ratemeter. The nominal dead time for the detector/ratemeter combination is 10 µsec per pulse. You want to use the probe for PET isotope (511 keV gamma, 2 photons per decay) contamination detection.

Because of its longer half-life, you’d like to use Cs-137 (662 keV, 0.85 photons per decay) as a surrogate source for calibration. You have a 10 µCi (370 kBq) check source you can use for validating detector efficiency and routine calibration.

The NaI probe has the following properties:

  • ρ (density) = 3.67 g cm-3
  • µ/ρ (mass attenuation coefficient) at 662 keV ≈ 7.75 E-2 cm2 g-1
  • µ/ρ (mass attenuation coefficient) at 511 keV ≈ 9.0 E-2 cm2 g-1


Question 1

What is the expected ratio of efficiency for PET isotopes relative to the efficiency for Cs-137?

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Question 2

You make a series of measurements using the Cs-137:

  • in contact with the detector face
  • 1 cm from the detector face
  • 5 cm from the detector face
  • 10 cm from the detector face
  • 30 cm from the detector face

Assuming negligible losses in the detector window, approximately what efficiencies would you expect to measure for the Cs-137 source at each distance?

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Question 3

Your results from question 2 are baffling. The measurements are 2.1% on contact, but increase to 5% at 1 cm, then drop off to 2.2% at 2.5 cm, 0.2% at 10 cm, and 0.02% at 30 cm distances. Why?

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Jeff Sandeman

Jeff describes himself as “a grumpy old curmudgeon” who retired from Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s Accelerators and Class II Facilities Division in January 2021 after 17 years with the division. Prior to that, he spent 20 years at CancerCare Manitoba, the last few years of which he was the radiation safety officer for the radiation therapy facilities.

Throughout both careers, he was blessed with opportunities to explore a very broad range of radiation-safety-related topics, including non-ionizing, diagnostic X-ray, nuclear medicine, medical radiotherapy, cyclotron isotope production, and even high-energy research accelerators. For some strange reason, both institutions also allowed him to teach on topics such as radiation protection fundamentals and radiation shielding design, and to mentor (corrupt) young staff. The highlight of his professional life came in 2020, when CRPA awarded him Richard V. Osborne Founders’ Award.

Now that Jeff is retired, he spends most of his time attempting to golf (very badly), making sawdust in the basement (woodworking), or collecting dirty bits of paper (a.k.a. postage stamps). He loves single malt scotch whisky, of which he has far more bottles than his liver can possibly survive. He continues to dabble in radiation protection and has maintained his membership with CRPA (usually after 18 notices to renew, as he’s growing a bit forgetful in his old age).


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