Report from the 2017 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society of Radiation Protection / Rapport portant sur le congrès annuel de la Chinese Society of Radiation Protection


Docteure Jing Chen a représenté l’ACRP lors du congrès annuel de la Chinese Society of Radiation Protection (société chinoise de la radioprotection, CSRP) à Shanghai, du 23 au 27 octobre, 2017. L’activité a attiré plus de 500 professionnels de la radioprotection dont des scientifiques de renommée internationale.

Fondée en 1980, la CSRP est devenue l’une des plus grandes associations de la famille de l’Association internationale pour la protection contre les radiations.

During my vacation in China last October, I represented CRPA at the annual conference of the Chinese Society of Radiation Protection (CSRP). CSRP’s annual conference is held in October each year. The 2017 conference was in Shanghai on October 23 to 27, and attracted over 500 radiation protection professionals.

The 2017 Chinese Society of Radiation Protection (CSRP) conference was attended by over 500 radiation protection professionals.

The opening ceremony featured 12 internationally recognized scientists, including the CSRP president emeritus (Ziqiang Pan), deputy minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (Dr. Hua Liu), vice-president of the China Institute of Atomic Energy (Dr. Senlin Liu), director of the National Institute for Radiological Protection (Dr. Quanfu Sun), and the president of the Health Physics Society (Eric Abelquist).

The opening ceremony featured 12 internationally recognized scientists.

A total of 278 abstracts were submitted to the conference. After a review process, 255 papers were included in the conference proceedings. Among those, 95 oral presentations were given in five concurrent sessions. Selected papers will be published in the CSRP’s official journal, 辐射防护 (Radiation Protection).

As with many professional associations, CSRP encourages young professionals to participate in discussions and present their work. At the closing ceremony, five young professionals received special awards.

At the closing ceremony, five young professionals received special awards.

Established in 1980, CSRP has become one of the largest associations in the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) family, and members are involved in a lot of activities in various areas of radiation protection.

Attending this great conference was a good learning opportunity for me.

Dr. Jing Chen

Dr. Jing Chen studied physics and obtained a PhD in health physics from the University of Würzburg, Germany, in 1992. She joined Health Canada in 2001. Chen has been a member of the Canadian delegation to the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) since 2011.

Docteure Jing Chen a étudié la physique et obtenu son doctorat en radioprotection de l’Université de Würzburg, en Allemagne, en 1992. Elle s’est jointe à Santé Canada en 2001. Docteure Chen est membre de la délégation canadienne du Comité scientifique des Nations Unies pour l’étude des effets des rayonnements ionisants (UNSCEAR).

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