Due South / Direction Sud


L’été est bien en place au Sud du Texas et au moment d’écrire ces lignes, le mercure atteignait les 35 °C. J’ai donc bien profité de l’édition 2018 du congrès de l’ACRP dans la ville de Québec . . . malgré son temps plutôt froid et pluvieux.

En effet, lors d’une journée printanière inhabituellement glaciale et pluvieuse, le chapitre de l’État du Texas de la Health Physics Society (société de la radioprotection, HPS) a tenu sa rencontre annuelle pour les étudiants sur le campus de l’Université Texas A&M, situé à College Station, au Texas. Si vous cherchez à prendre une pause de l’hiver canadien, je vous conseille de participer à l’édition 2019 de la rencontre des étudiants, qui aura probablement lieu à Waco, au Texas.

Prochaines rencontres de la HPS :

  • Congrès annuel de la HPS à Cleveland, en Ohio, du 15 au 19 juillet 2018. Vous trouverez toute l’info à http://hps.org/meetings
  • Rencontre technique avec les organisations affiliées de la STC-HPS prévue pour la mi-septembre dans la région de Dallas-Fort Worth. Nous révélerons tous les détails ici : http://www.stc-hps.org/.
  • Rencontre semestrielle de la HPS dans la ville ensoleillée de San Diego, en Californie, du 17 au 20 février 2019. Nous révélerons tous les détails ici : http://hps.org/meetings

Howdy y’all. Summer has arrived here in South Texas—temperatures are now in the mid-30s and will be headed to the upper 30s until late September or early October. I thoroughly enjoyed the 2018 CRPA conference in Quebec City, except for the cold and rainy weather.

Health Physics Society (HPS) State of Texas Chapter (STC) student meeting summary

On an unusually cold and rainy spring day, STC hosted its annual student meeting on the campus of Texas A&M University in College Station, TX (located approximately in the centre of the triangle formed by Texas’s three largest metropolitan areas: Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio).

We had eight presenters in the undergraduate category, one presenter in the associate degree category, and four presenters in the graduate category. The chapter awards cash prizes to presenters in each of the three categories.

In addition, we saw two excellent presentations from Texas High School science fair students whose projects were related to radiation protection.

If you need a break from the Canadian winter, consider attending next year’s student meeting, which will most likely be held in Waco, TX, sometime in late March or early April 2019. Waco is the location where the show Fixer Upper is filmed.

Upcoming HPS Meetings

HPS annual conference

HPS will be hosting its annual conference in Cleveland, OH, July 15–19, 2018. Some highlights if you attend: Cleveland is the home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and the Cleveland Indians will be playing a home baseball game on July 15, their last game before the All-Star break. The food will not be as exquisite as in Quebec City, but there will be a few more concurrent technical sessions being offered. Typically there are around a thousand delegates that attend the annual summer HPS meeting. HPS holds its meetings in a conference centre and offers discounted rates to a couple of nearby hotels.

More details can be found at http://hps.org/meetings/meeting46.html.

STC-HPS technical and affiliates meeting

STC-HPS is planning its annual 1.5 day (technical and affiliates) meeting for mid-September, in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The theme will be nuclear power, and the meeting will include a visit to Comanche Peak, one of Texas’s two nuclear power plants. Typical attendance would be around 100 registrants, and the cost typically is around US$150.

Details will be revealed here: http://www.stc-hps.org/.

HPS mid-year meeting

Planning way ahead, the HPS mid-year meeting will be held in sunny San Diego, CA, February 17–20, 2019. Normally San Diego weather is fantastic in February, especially for Canadians, and the venue is right on the waterfront. Typically the mid-year meeting is considerably smaller than the summer meeting, with 100 to 400 delegates. Given the location, I’m guessing we will see closer to the higher number.

Details will be revealed here: http://hps.org/meetings/meeting49.html.

Scott Nichelson

Scott Nichelson, a certified health physicist and industrial hygienist, began his career in health and safety with the United States Air Force in the mid-1980s. He retired after 28 years on active duty and is currently serving as a civilian instructor for the United States Army Medical Department Center and School in San Antonio, TX. Scott discovered CRPA in 2002. He is a diehard fan of the NBA’s San Antonio Spurs.

Spécialiste certifié en radioprotection et hygiéniste industriel, Scott Nichelson a amorcé sa carrière en santé et en sécurité pour la US Air Force au milieu des années 1980. Il a pris sa retraite après 28 années de service actif et travaille présentement comme instructeur civil pour le Département de la santé et l’école de l’armée américaine à San Antonio, au Texas. Grand partisan de l’équipe de basketball des Spurs de San Antonio (NBA), il s’est joint à l’ACRP en 2002.

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