Author: Scott M. Nichelson, Self-proclaimed southernmost CRPA member in North America (at latitude 29.7° north)

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Due South, February 2023

After reuniting with Canadian colleagues in chilly Vancouver (after four long years), Scott checks in from South Texas. In addition to his typical weather report and Sasky Pack update, he provides a report from the State of Texas Chapter regulatory conference, which was in Austin, TX, in November, and a preview of upcoming HPS events: The 2023 Hybrid Internal Dosimetry Workshop, which will be on February 6 to 9, 2023, at Oregon State University, and the HPS annual meeting, which will be on July 23 to 27, 2023, at Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in the Washington, DC, area.

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Due South, July 2022

Scott M. Nichelson, self-proclaimed southernmost CRPA member in North America, reminds CRPA members about the upcoming Health Physics Society (HPS) annual meeting to be held in Spokane, WA, July 17 to 21, 2022; shares highlights from the first in-person meeting of his home chapter of HPS, the State of Texas Chapter, since 2019; and, of course, brings us up to date on the adventures of Sasky Pack.

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Due South, August 2021

It’s mid-May, and South Texas is experiencing a cool, refreshing 15°C morning (by Texas standards). I hope you’re keeping well in these strange times!

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Due South, December 2020

I hope you are keeping well in these strange times. I’m really missing Tim Hortons, and it doesn’t look like we Yanks are going to be allowed into the Great White North (cue Doug McKenzie singing the SCTV theme song) anytime soon.


Due South, March 2020

Howdy, y’all. It’s early February here in South Texas, but the weather has been very spring-like, perhaps no more than five nights of below freezing temperatures for the entire “winter.” / Scott Nichelson, qui s’autoproclame membre de l’ACRP habitant le plus au sud de l’Amérique du Nord, vit au Texas.