Author: Michelle Boulton, managing editor, CRPA Bulletin


Let’s Be Clear: Risk Communication for Radiation Safety Professionals (Part III) — Provide Context to Help Readers Make Sense of Your Message

In Part I of this series, we defined risk and risk communication, discussed the need to consider the perspectives of your audience, and explored some of the barriers to effective risk communication. In Part II, we talked about some of the ways plain language can make your risk communication easier to understand and more effective. In Part III, we are exploring the importance of providing context (additional information) to help readers understand the meaning behind the information so they can put risk into perspective.

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Let’s Be Clear: Overcoming the Negativity Bias

The Let’s Be Clear series provides practical advice to help Bulletin readers write with more confidence. In this article, we’re talking about our built-in negativity bias and suggesting some ways to overcome it in writing.