Category: Articles


Report from the 69th Session of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation

The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation’s (UNSCEAR) is the world authority on radiation science and the estimation of global levels and effects of ionizing radiation that serves as the scientific basis for evaluating radiation risk and for establishing protective measures. For the first time since before the pandemic, their annual session took place in person in Vienna, Austria from May 9 to 13, 2022. At the session, UNSCEAR elected a new bureau; endorsed a new strategy for data collection, analysis, and dissemination; and called for member states to participate in the evaluation of public exposure to ionizing radiation.


Interview with Leah Shuparski-Miller, CRPA’s President-Elect

In this issue of the Bulletin, continuing his tradition of interviewing interesting people involved in radiation protection, Chief Editor Dave Niven talks with Leah Shuparski-Miller, CRPA’s president-elect. He asks her about her life, her history with CRPA, her motivations for becoming president, and what she hopes to accomplish during her tenure. She says, “Sharing information openly helps us all grow and strengthen our radiation protection community.”


ALARA – How Low Is Low Enough? Be Reasonable! / L’ALARA – Quel niveau est suffisamment faible? Il suffit d’être raisonnable!

The Société Française de radioprotection (SFRP), the French equivalent to the Canadian Radiation Protection Association, with the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), co-hosted two workshops on the practical implementation of the ALARA principle. / Avec la Société Française de radioprotection (SFRP), l’équivalent français de l’Association canadienne de la radioprotection, l’Association internationale pour la protection contre les radiations a coanimé deux ateliers sur la mise en pratique du principe ALARA.


Nuclear Energy Agency Committee Explores the Practical Implementation of Equivalent Dose Limits for the Lens of the Eye / Le comité de l’Agence pour l’énergie nucléaire étudie la mise en pratique de limites de doses équivalentes pour le cristallin de l’œil

In March 2019, the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Committee on Radiological Protection and Public Health (CRPPH) created the Expert Group on the Dose Limit for the Lens of the Eye (EGDLE). / En mars 2019, le comité de la radioprotection et de la santé publique (CRPPH) de l’Agence pour l’énergie nucléaire (AEN) créait le groupe d’experts sur la limite de doses pour le cristallin de l’œil (EGDLE).


Successful Conference Networking – Not Just a Fairy Tale / Faire du réseautage avec succès pendant un congrès – Plus qu’un conte de fées

Conference organizers and attendees alike espouse the benefits of networking at conferences—learning about the latest and greatest in the field, expanding professional networks, and finding career opportunities. / Les organisateurs de congrès, tout comme les congressistes, saluent les avantages du réseautage lors de congrès : en apprendre sur les nouveautés et les meilleures pratiques de leur domaine, élargir leur réseau professionnel et trouver des opportunités de carrière.


Comme les Français / CRPA-Related Activities in France

Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, telle est la devise de la République Française et de Haïti. Je rapporte ici certaines activités qui se trament en périphérie de l’ACRP et qui touchent le pays de Molière. / “Freedom, Equality, Fraternity” is the motto of the French Republic of Haiti. In this article, Stéphane Jean-François uses those themes to frame his report on CRPA-related activities in France that he has been participating in.