Category: Articles

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CRPA(R) Prep, February 2023

In this issue, we’ve invited a couple of people who recently prepared for and successfully completed the CRPA(R) registration exam — Devin Sullivan and Laila Omar Nazir — to tell us about their experiences. We asked them to tell us why they wrote the exam, how they prepared, what their strategy was for writing the exam, and what advice they would give to someone thinking about writing the exam.


Let’s Be Clear: Risk Communication for Radiation Safety Professionals (Part III) — Provide Context to Help Readers Make Sense of Your Message

In Part I of this series, we defined risk and risk communication, discussed the need to consider the perspectives of your audience, and explored some of the barriers to effective risk communication. In Part II, we talked about some of the ways plain language can make your risk communication easier to understand and more effective. In Part III, we are exploring the importance of providing context (additional information) to help readers understand the meaning behind the information so they can put risk into perspective.


Amendments to the CNSC Radiation Protection Regulations: Introduction

The amended Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) Radiation Protection Regulations were published in November of 2020. Following their publication, CNSC adopted a compliance promotion approach with licensees to allow them time to update their radiation safety programs. That period has now ended and all licensees must now meet the new requirements.

The July 2022 issue of the Directorate of Nuclear Substance Regulation (DNSR) Digest highlighted some areas where CNSC inspectors continue to see non-compliance with the updated regulations. We thought this would be a good time to remind Bulletin readers of the regulation changes.

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Amendments to the Radiation Protection Regulations: A CNSC Perspective

The recent amendments to CNSC’s Radiation Protection Regulations were meant to enhance radiation protection for workers, the public, and the environment based on international standards for radiation protection and CNSC regulatory operational experience. This article from CNSC’s Jessica Milligan-Taylor, a project officer with the Accelerators and Class II Facilities Division, outlines all of the changes and draws special attention to some changes of particular interest.

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Radon in the Workplace – Are You Protected?

Last year, Erin Curry, the Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (CARST) regional director, explored the contribution of various indoor radon levels to annual effective dose in a two-part series in the Bulletin. In a new series that begins in this issue, she shifts her focus to radon in the workplace. She says, while we know general exposure to elevated levels of radon radiation is linked to increased risk of lung cancer, for radiation protection professionals, exposure to radon gas in the workplace may well be a case of the shoemaker’s children going barefoot.


New Board Member Interview

Chief Editor Dave Niven interviews Tara Hargreaves, a new member of CRPA’s board of directors. Tara says, “CRPA is the way to connect with those working in radiation safety across Canada. . . I would feel rather alone if I weren’t a member.”


President’s Message, October 2022

Leah Shuparski-Miller, la présidente de l’ACRP a été inspirée par l’esprit du retour à l’école. En plus d’acheter des fournitures scolaires pour ses enfants, elle achète des fournitures pour elle-même et investit dans des activités de développement professionnel. Elle invite les lecteurs à profiter des offres automnales de l’ACRP.