Category: Features

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Amendments to the Radiation Protection Regulations: A CNSC Perspective

The recent amendments to CNSC’s Radiation Protection Regulations were meant to enhance radiation protection for workers, the public, and the environment based on international standards for radiation protection and CNSC regulatory operational experience. This article from CNSC’s Jessica Milligan-Taylor, a project officer with the Accelerators and Class II Facilities Division, outlines all of the changes and draws special attention to some changes of particular interest.

The danger of radon gas in our homes - concept with periodic table of the elements, radioactive warning symbol and American home silhouette seen through a magnifying glass 0

Radon in the Workplace – Are You Protected?

Last year, Erin Curry, the Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (CARST) regional director, explored the contribution of various indoor radon levels to annual effective dose in a two-part series in the Bulletin. In a new series that begins in this issue, she shifts her focus to radon in the workplace. She says, while we know general exposure to elevated levels of radon radiation is linked to increased risk of lung cancer, for radiation protection professionals, exposure to radon gas in the workplace may well be a case of the shoemaker’s children going barefoot.


Ed Waller Receives the 2022 CRPA Meritorious Service Award

The Meritorious Service Award recognizes significant service provided to the Canadian Radiation Protection Association (CRPA) or to the radiation protection community in general. This year, the award was presented to Dr. Edward Waller for his support of, and service to, CRPA. Read about some of the many reasons why Ed’s contributions to the association makes him very deserving of the award.


Report from the 69th Session of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation

The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation’s (UNSCEAR) is the world authority on radiation science and the estimation of global levels and effects of ionizing radiation that serves as the scientific basis for evaluating radiation risk and for establishing protective measures. For the first time since before the pandemic, their annual session took place in person in Vienna, Austria from May 9 to 13, 2022. At the session, UNSCEAR elected a new bureau; endorsed a new strategy for data collection, analysis, and dissemination; and called for member states to participate in the evaluation of public exposure to ionizing radiation.


Interview with Leah Shuparski-Miller, CRPA’s President-Elect

In this issue of the Bulletin, continuing his tradition of interviewing interesting people involved in radiation protection, Chief Editor Dave Niven talks with Leah Shuparski-Miller, CRPA’s president-elect. He asks her about her life, her history with CRPA, her motivations for becoming president, and what she hopes to accomplish during her tenure. She says, “Sharing information openly helps us all grow and strengthen our radiation protection community.”