Category: Regular Columns


Editor’s Message, June 2024

Grant was writing his editor’s message just ahead of the 2024 conference. He commended the organizing committee for putting together an excellent program and encouraged readers to attend the great talks, the AGM, and the awards banquet, and (of course) to check in at the hospitality suite! He also encouraged readers to make a point of introducing themselves to colleagues from across the country (and beyond) so that they can learn from the successes and challenges of people from various disciplines within radiation protection.


CRPA(R) Prep, April 2024

Grant Cubbon asks Brian Bewer, a radiation specialist at the Canadian Light Source, about his job and why he wanted to be CRPA(R) accredited. Brian talks about the knowledge he’s accumulated and the benefits of having a community of experienced radiation safety officers.


Editor’s Message, April 2024

This issue brings together expertise in an integral area of radiation protection—the continual process of emergency preparedness—with an article about emergency response drills conducted by McMaster University and University Health Network last fall and Canada’s Emergency Preparedness Review (EPREV) mission led by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).


Health Physics Corner, February 2024

For years, the Health Physics (HP) Corner was a regular feature in the CRPA Bulletin. It drifted away in 2017, but we are very excited to see it resurrected by Jeff Sandeman!. In this first installment, Jeff carries on from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) licensee outreach presentation on contamination monitoring and runs through some verification calculations and examples.