CRPA-ACRP Bulletin


CRPA(R) Prep, April 2024

Grant Cubbon asks Brian Bewer, a radiation specialist at the Canadian Light Source, about his job and why he wanted to be CRPA(R) accredited. Brian talks about the knowledge he’s accumulated and the benefits of having a community of experienced radiation safety officers.


Editor’s Message, April 2024

This issue brings together expertise in an integral area of radiation protection—the continual process of emergency preparedness—with an article about emergency response drills conducted by McMaster University and University Health Network last fall and Canada’s Emergency Preparedness Review (EPREV) mission led by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).


Your Teeth Can Reveal How Much Radiation You’ve Been Exposed To

Sandor Demeter says Canada is experiencing a nuclear renaissance. This raises concern among radiation safety professionals about potential health and environmental hazards. How can governments, the nuclear industry, and nuclear regulators not only reassure the public but also demonstrate that them that they are safe from long-term and accidental radiation exposure? For the first time, Canadian researchers have used electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) on teeth to measure lifelong radiation exposure for those living close to nuclear power plants.


Highlights from a Young Professional’s First CRPA Conference and Suggestions for Future Conferences

Alicia Douglas, a recent graduate from McMaster University, shares her experience as a first-time CRPA conference attendee. She describes her time in Halifax this past May, makes suggestions for how future conferences may encourage more students and younger professionals to attend, and offers advice to future first time attendees so that they can make the most of their experience.