Category: Features

Julie Leblanc, Haidy Tadros, Debora Quayle, Diana Moscu, and Lisa McBride 0

Rad Women in Canada

On April 6, 2021, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and the Canadian Radiation Protection Association (CRPA) co-hosted Rad Women in Canada, a virtual question and answer panel to discuss the lives and careers of female radiation and nuclear professionals.

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Choosing Data That Will Resonate with Your Audience

This is the first of a series of short articles in which Stéphane Jean-François uses his 25 years of experience in various fields (medical, research, industrial, etc.) to provide tips and tricks for radiation safety officers (RSOs). He begins with a suggestion to avoid decimals when possible because people understand whole numbers better.

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2020 Annual Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee Meeting

The Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee was created to advance the development and harmonization of practices and standards for radiation protection within federal, provincial, and territorial jurisdictions. The committee meets every year to allow regulatory radiation protection officials from across Canada to share information, discuss challenges, and recommend courses of action.

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Let’s Be Clear: Overcoming the Negativity Bias

The Let’s Be Clear series provides practical advice to help Bulletin readers write with more confidence. In this article, we’re talking about our built-in negativity bias and suggesting some ways to overcome it in writing.

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Interview with Diana Moscu, CRPA’s Incoming President

If you’re a regular reader of the CRPA Bulletin, you know Chief Editor Dave Niven makes a habit of interviewing interesting people involved in radiation protection. In this issue, Dave continues his interview series by talking with Diana Moscu, CRPA’s new president.